Find someone elseSermon by: Sydney Bourbeau Sometimes we feel unequipped to handle what we feel God is calling us too. We struggle with feeling unworthy or think that God must be mistaking us for someone else when he asks us to step into his purpose and plan for our lives. Too often, we cower away by hiding in spaces where we hope God won’t find us. In this week’s sermon, Sydney Bourbeau spoke about how God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called. We’ll get into what that means in a second but first, let’s provide you with some biblical context. Exodus 4:10-13 One thing we have to realize is that we are not perfect and that we are not enough. Hold on! Before you click out of the website, let me break this down. We are not enough on our own, for it is only through Jesus that we are enough. God knows what we can handle, and he would not call us to something if he weren’t there to provide us with fatherly guidance. Have you ever heard of Imposter Syndrome? In essence, we can feel like we are undeserving of success or achievements because we believe our efforts couldn’t have been enough to get us here. This is what Moses feels when God asks him to lead the Israelites: unqualified and hoping that God sends somebody else. When did we begin to rely on positive affirmation from others first before hearing what good things God has to say about us? In her message, Sydney said, “If God was so confident in Moses’ ability to do what he was called to do on his own, he would have affirmed Moses. Instead, he reminds Moses of who HE is.” God is faithful. He is faithful to his promises, and if He promises to guide us, then He will. Let’s be honest, it’s tough to have that kind of faith. To just believe that God will equip you with everything that you need in order to do what He has called you to. That leads us to our next point: God is in your corner. This leap of faith that God asked Moses to take was an opportunity for Moses to trust God with everything that he had. Oftentimes we get caught in our feels and let our emotions get the best of us before asking God for direction. Through Moses’ story, Sydney reminded us that our doubt and insecurity do not disqualify us. An important thing to do when we get down about ourselves or when we don’t feel worthy of God’s calling is to 'remember'. Remembrance is to recount on the times that God has been good and faithful in our lives. Ask yourself the question, “Where has God shown up for me before?” If we can’t think of an example right away, we can look to the cross where Jesus gave His life so freely. Our final point is that God is sufficient for you, no matter our real or imagined inadequacies. We can doubt ourselves but how could we ever doubt God when he knows the end of our days before we do? He sees the entirety of our lives and every obstacle in our paths and he has equipped us with the strength and authority to overcome. 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 God will never assign us a task too great for us to handle and “if Jesus is our confidence, how could we ever be insecure?” Thank you for being here! If this message resonates with you and you want to see more, here’s our YouTube channel, where we post live sermons every Sunday.
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